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Nous contacter

Lieu-dit Page (D703)

24200 Vitrac


May to September:

Mon - Fri: 9 a.m. - 6 p.m. Sat: 1 p.m. - 6 p.m.


October to April:

Mon - Thu: 9 am - 6 pm; Fri: 9 a.m. - 5 p.m.

The team

LAYAC is an artisanal and family business: we introduce ourselves below but we want to thank our relatives, parents, children and friends who helped us build the project and settle in!


We discovered firewood roasted coffee during a trip to Mexico, it struck us like love at first sight!

We both graduated from the Roasting and Barista school of the Caféothèque Paris , an institution in the world of specialty coffee!



She loves people, and it's reciprocal.


With PhD in biomechanics, nothing seemed to predestine Céline to become a roaster.


It was first as a consumer that Céline appreciated the coffee, perfect alibi for a friendly and pleasant break. She realized these sharing moments value in 2020 when we were all under lockdowns.

LAYAC was born from her desire for this ode to conviviality !


Her 3Cs

- Cool

- Complicity

- Cronyism

Her song

- "Le café des trois Colombes" - Joe Dassin


Her favorite coffee

- L'Enflammé, a wonder of Guatemala discovered with Frédéric during the education at the Caféothèque, and for its gourmet notes.



LAYAC, its energiser


As a real electric battery, Julien has always been a big consumer of coffee.


Epicurean and amateur of finest wines, he makes the parallel between oenology and coffeeology. He's passionate about the coffee aromas complexity.

LAYAC was born from his desire to promote specialty coffees in our country of gastronomy !


His 3Cs

- Character

- Conversation

- Combustible


His song

- "Le Café" - Oldelaf


His favorite coffee

- Le Mythique, as a origin-based coffee from Ethiopia, discovered with Ayayu at the Caféothèque, and for its unique complexity.

Nos implications

en local et au-delà


Groupement d'Intérêts Economiques du Périgord Noir


Le GIE Périgord Noir regroupe à la fois des producteurs et des artisans du Périgord dont l'objectif est de promouvoir l'excellence de notre région.


Collectif café


Fédération  professionnelle représentant l’ensemble de la filière café,. Le Collectif Café participe à l'essor du café de spécialité au sein du marché français.

Ils nous soutiennent


Avec le concours financier de la région Nouvelle-Aquitaine.


Nous remercions tous nos soutiens qui ont pris part à la construction et à la concrétisation de la Maison LAYAC !

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